International Associations
International Associations
International Associations
Agency is one of the founding members and is an active member of the EFDI. EFDI is an international non-profit association registered in Belgium. The primary purpose of the EFDI is to contribute to the stability of financial systems by promoting co-operation in the field of deposit insurance and facilitating discussion and exchange of expertise, views and information on issues of mutual interest and concern. EFDI scope of work includes creating working groups and permanent committees, which deal with application of EU directives and any proposed changes. EFDI is a partner of the European Commission to the European Union legislation on deposit guarantee
The Agency is one of the founders and active members of the EFDI Working Group of the Balkan countries, where deposit insurance systems from the Balkan countries are represented with a jointly agreed platform on cooperation and exchange of information.
As per 30 June 2021, EFDI represents 68 member institutions from 47 countries representing deposit insurance schemes from 44 countries
Agency is a founding member of the IADI. IADI is a non-profit organization constituted under Swiss Law and is domiciled at the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland.
IADI was formed in May 2002 to enhance the effectiveness of deposit insurance systems by promoting guidance and international cooperation. Members of IADI conduct research and produce guidance for the benefit of those countries seeking to establish or improve a deposit insurance system. Members also share their knowledge and expertise through participation in international conferences and other forums.
As per 30 June 2021, IADI represents 85 deposit insurers.