8th EFDI Balkan Regional Meeting
The Deposit Insurance Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina participated in the eighth regional meeting of EFDI, organized by the Deposit Insurance Fund of Montenegro. The meeting was held in Budva, Montenegro, from September 24 to 26, 2021.
This meeting follows the established tradition of cooperation that the deposit insurance systems of the Balkan region (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia) have formalized in a joint Memorandum of Understanding.
The main topic of the meeting was exchange of experiences and discussions on past and future challenges of the deposit insurance systems of the Balkan countires. In this regard, Balkan deposit insurance systems have taken into account and established the following steps for reviewing the Memorandum of Understanding, in view of updating it with the necessary features to address joint challenges, which might result as a consequence of the conditions generated by Covid-19 pandemic.